We understand that in today’s world sometimes expeditiousness is needed to gain ground. This may be due to a number of reasons. Our clients normally want to be seen as an authoritative and trustworthy figure quickly so as to make an offer, or present a product that can change others lives.In our proprietary system we develop (or refine) your public appearance and “brand story”. We look at everything from your vision statement to your mission statement and make sure it is consistent with your actual goals. We then propel you via several forms of media into the public eye and focus on uniformity of look, sound and ideas.

#AuthorityMarketing #Authority #authoritymiami #authoritysouthflorida #authorityflorida #authoritymarketingmiami #authoritymarketingsouthflorida #authoritymarketingflorida #marketingkings #miamimarketingkings #marketingkingsmiami #southfloridamarketingkings #floridamarketingkings #marketingkingssouthflorida #marketingkingsflorida #marketing #marketingmiami #marketingsouthflorida #marketingflorida #miamimarketing #southfloridamarketing;

We believe that copy should be personal, creative and like Dan Kennedy says “…Strong”. We focus on what today’s audience is hungry for; Engagement, Transparency and Empathy. We create each piece of content to be visual masterpieces by using a recipe of quality writing, relevant images and engaging videos. While we know that “telling is not selling…” we do believe 100% that “sharing is caring.” Once your audience see’s your material as informative, entertaining and resonating it will be just one more step to solidifying your authority status.


 We make sure your complete online presence  is mobile responsive and future proof ready. Then we work on your design, making sure it is concept-driven, personally formed as well as engaging and fun, from your Social Media posts to your FB live videos and your YouTube channel. We take the brand you created and make it shine with your vision and showcase your mission daily. We like to keep things clear and enjoy editing out all the unnecessary bits that cling to ideas.



We have been using online video for marketing and showcasing our clients since 2005.  We employ several proprietary video systems to elevate your presence on line and also build your fan base. Everything from email capture to social media following right from with in a video to interactive questionnaires. All cutting edge, multi-purpose and authority building. In 2007 we championed for video to be the future…the future is here and we are bringing the next wave of video technology to out clients today.

The Right Tools For The Right Solution. Every Time.

The Right Tools. 

My dad always says, “You need the right tool for the job.” So we never take it for granted that your business is the same as the next person. Nor that what worked for them is perfect for you. We customize every step for maximum success.

The Right Solution.

Even when using the same tools, not every solution is the same. A hammer can be used to put a nail in OR take a nail out, all depending on what your intent is. We make sure the solutions provided to you are the ones you specifically need.

Every Time.

We do not work with every company that asks for our help. When we do agree to work with someone, we use a proprietary process every time and go through a structured filter that produces successful exposure leading to the authority you desire.

Are you ready to have your authority status blast off?

Then allow us to take you to and through the next ten levels of authority status.